Thank you for attending.

A view of the contest listings in the app

Are you holding a contest or draw during the HRPA2020 Conference & Trade Show that you’d like to promote to HRPA2020 attendees? Promote it through our new contests & draws app feature!

To post your contest or draw to our app, please collect the following information and send it to Melissa McQuillan at by Friday, January 10th at 5pm:


  • Exhibitor Name (e.g. ABC Travel)

    A view of the detailed contest listing

  • Name of the contest/draw (e.g. ABC’s “Choose Your Own Adventure” Contest)
  • Short subtitle describing the prize (e.g. Win a $500 flight voucher)
  • Description of contest, prize, how to enter and any other important details attendees may need to know (e.g. We’re giving away a $500 voucher that our lucky winner can redeem towards any flight booked through Air Canada. Drop by our booth to find out draw details and enter your ballot to win!  Winner will be selected on January 23rd at 3pm and notified by email.
  • Image (e.g. your company logo, an image ofthe prize) icon image will be resized/cropped to 200 x 200 pixels at 72 ppi for listings. Please feel free to send a full sized PDF of any images you’d like to include as an attachment for the detailed listing.